Thursday 31 March 2016



Word: המים
Representation: HMYM

Transliteration: HaMayim
Noun: "the waters" or "the water"
Strong Concordance: H4325


This translates literally to "the (or that) waters (or water)".

When used in Genesis 1:2, it is clear that it is talking about the "deep" (watery-abyss), especially when you look at Genesis 1:6 through 1:10.

It is used elsewhere outside of Genesis, and in context, it usually refers to waters other than the "deep", which is rarely noted within the Torah other than for five instances.

Because "mayim" is always written in the plural form, it is sometimes speaking of "the waters of the city" and "the water is poured" - sometimes in the plural, but sometimes translated in the singular. And so, because of that, we need to give the Hebrew the same consideration as the English.

For example, in Genesis 1:2, when there is one vast body of water, we can translate it as "water" or "waters" equally well, and both are correct, but one needs to keep in mind that there were not two bodies of water at that time, just one, and that using "waters" in place of "water" is just a translation of style, and not an intent to direct an interpretation.

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