Monday 28 March 2016



Word: בהו or ובהו
Representation: Bohu (V + BoHU)

Transliteration: [va] Vohu
"destroyed", "disintegrated", "ruin", "void", "unformed"
Strong Concordance: H922


This word is unique in that when it is prefixed by "and", it should, following the rules of grammar, be pronounced "U-vohu", but it isn't. It is pronounced "Va-Vohu". That is most likely because the first letter never receives a dagesh, meaning that it is pronounced "B", but the dagesh is always omitted, so the first letter is always pronounced "V".

There is only one place where Vohu is not used to talk about the creation of the land (Genesis), which is:

Isaiah 34:11 - "...He shall stretch over [the land] stones of Vohu"

Because of this, the word is generally translated to mean that the object (stones or land) are not recognizable as such, and is unformed, a disintegrated and ruined form.

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